Logo & Mascot

Posted by Subash On 11:11 PM
WCG Logo
Interlacing circles in four colors (Red, Green, Yellow, and Blue) illustrate the 'WCG Global World', where people around the world can enjoy interacting with one another in peace and harmony.

The black background symbolizes the infinite possibility of the cyber world.

WCG Mascot
'GamOn', The Mascot of the World Cyber Games, which incorporates the colors of the symbol that stand for 'Virtuality, Reality, and Community', represents the young game players and the youth of world.

The three faces express various emotions, such as temperance, delight, curiosity, and the extended left foot signifies confidence and readiness for challenge as a world-class gamer.

In particular, it captures the image and the spirit of the World Cyber Games, a joyful challenge at harmonious festival.
WCG Mascot Identity

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